Set up your fundraising page

It’s so simple, and you can start fundraising with Just Giving today!

We love JustGiving:

  • It is so easy to set up a fundraising page!
  • It automatically pays us your sponsorship money, saving us, and you, a lot of administration!
  • It is cost-effective – there is a charge, but it is one of the smallest, with 97% of all donations going to our cause.
  • Gift Aid is also covered. This can boost your fundraising by a quarter, at no extra cost to your friends and family! If you want to learn more about Gift Aid, go to, but in a nutshell, it’s a tax relief for UK charities to reclaim 25% in tax for every eligible donation.

You can set up a JustGiving page in minutes, share it with your friends and family, and start your fundraising journey immediately.

Take a look at Just Giving's handy video

Create your Just Giving page now

We love JustGiving:

  • It is so easy to set up a fundraising page!
  • It automatically pays us your sponsorship money, saving us, and you, a lot of administration!
  • It is cost-effective – there is a charge, but it is one of the smallest, with 97% of all donations going to our cause.
  • Gift Aid is also covered. This can boost your fundraising by a quarter, at no extra cost to your friends and family! If you want to learn more about Gift Aid, go to, but in a nutshell, it’s a tax relief for UK charities to reclaim 25% in tax for every eligible donation.

You can set up a JustGiving page in minutes, share it with your friends and family, and start your fundraising journey immediately.

Take a look at Just Giving's handy video

Create your Just Giving page now

Our top tips and tricks

  • Remember to add a picture of yourself
  • Share your page on social media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and ask your friends and family to like and share, too!
  • Tell your story - let people what you are doing and why. This will help get them engaged and giving!
  • Update your page regularly and keep sharing it even after the event is over for those all-important post-event donations!

You can connect your fitness apps too!

Directions about linking your FitBit or Strava accounts can be found on the Just Giving website:

We rely on your donations to help animals like Topsy.

When Topsy arrived with us, he was severely underweight and needed a lot of care. We couldn't help the amount of animals we do without your support. Please donate to help more animals get the care they deserve.
