
All animals need a suitable and comfortable place to live

Choose one (or more) of the activities below to discover what our furry friends need in their dream homes

Activity 1: Make a home for a hamster

Make a happy hamster home by dragging and dropping, or cutting and sticking all the items a hamster needs in their home.

Virtual version Print version

Activity 1: Make a home for a hamster

Make a happy hamster home by dragging and dropping, or cutting and sticking all the items a hamster needs in their home.

Virtual version Print version

Activity 2: Happy home path puzzle

Match the animal with the item you will find in their home and follow the wiggly line to see if you were correct.

Print version

Activity 2: Happy home path puzzle

Match the animal with the item you will find in their home and follow the wiggly line to see if you were correct.

Print version

Activity 3: Binky like a bunny

Watch the rabbit film to explore the homes of Raystede's rabbits. Can you binky like a bunny?

Activity 3: Binky like a bunny

Watch the rabbit film to explore the homes of Raystede's rabbits. Can you binky like a bunny?

We rely on your donations to help animals like Topsy.

When Topsy arrived with us, he was severely underweight and needed a lot of care. We couldn't help the amount of animals we do without your support. Please donate to help more animals get the care they deserve.
