Playing games at home

Stanley is a typical terrier and loves to play games, he is very good at creating his own entertainment but he can get over stimulated. Diffusing this type of situation, helps to keep him calm and prevents him guarding toys.

1. Stanley loves to play and make up games, here he is practicing his terrier hunting skills by hiding and finding his squeaky toy in towels. This game creates a state of high arousal for Stanley, so he gets more and more excited during these types of extra fun games. To help him calm down, we play these games for a few minutes at a time then distract him away to play a calmer (though equally fun) game, like searching for treats in snuffle mats hidden in a tunnel.

2. Giving Stanley his lunch in a way that will occupy his brain helps to tire him out and keep his arousal levels downs. He enjoys spending some time indoors with a Licki Mat for his lunch.